Wednesday 11.15.17 WOD


500m Row
Max Effort 500m Row

*Complete this after the Metcon Prep, Use metcon prep as a CNS primer for the 500m row

Metcon Prep

Coach Led
4min Tabata Burpee Pull Ups


4 Rounds, each for time:
18/15 Calorie Row
15 Box Jumps w. step down (24,20)
12 Push Press (135,95)
9 Pull-ups
– Rest 60s. b/t rds –
*Score = slowest split
L3: (115,75)
L2: (20,15) (95,65) (Band Assisted)
L1: (20,15 Step-ups) (65,35) (Ring Rows)

Intent: The goal for you is to complete all sets of push press/pull-ups UB or close to it for all 4 rounds. The rest interval will allow you to sustain 75-80% of max effort.

$ Out

1a) DB Pull-overs: 3 x 10
1b) Bent-over Rear Delt Raises: 3 x 15
2) 2min Weighted Elbow Plank