Sunday 3.27.16 WOD NOTES

Mobility: None

Dynamic Warm Up: None

Instead have Athletes complete a coaches choice warm up AMRAP to get loose as they arrive.

Strength: None

Competition Day

WOD: 40min

Cal Row
Deadlifts (185,135,155,105)
–5min Rest–
Cal Row
Power Snatch (115,75,95,65)
–5min Rest–
Cal Row
OHS (95,65,75,55)
–5min Rest–
100′ Walking Barbell Lunge
**Walking Lunge, rack however you would like
**Score total time minus rest
Athletes should move through the barbell movements unbroken on in LARGE sets, 2 or less sets.
Each metcon is designed to move fast!
Before starting the WOD mark off 50′ with cones and have Athletes count their number of lunge steps to complete 100′. They will complete this amount in place for the WOD.

$ Out

100 Abmat Sit ups in as few sets as possible with feet anchored.