CFML Weekly 4/15/24

CrossFit Games Quarterfinals
Starts Wednesday April 17

Exciting times are ahead as we dive into the CrossFit Games Quarterfinal Qualifiers! Starting this Wednesday, April 17th, CrossFit HQ will release 4-6 challenging workouts that must be completed by the end of the week, with final submissions due by Monday. This is our chance to test our mettle and strive for greatness alongside CrossFit athletes worldwide.

We’re thrilled to announce that CrossFit Main Line has an impressive 26 athletes qualifying in the top 25% of the fittest athletes in North America. Let’s rally behind them and show our support as they tackle these demanding workouts!

During this week, you may notice some adjustments to our regular class programming. We’ll be incorporating the qualifier workouts into our sessions, providing an opportunity for our community to come together, cheer each other on, and experience the challenges our athletes are facing firsthand. It’s a fantastic way to build camaraderie and celebrate the dedication and determination of our athletes.

Get ready to give it your all, push your boundaries, and embrace the spirit of competition. Let’s make this CrossFit Games Qualifier week one to remember!

CFML Qualifying athletes

📚 Inside This WEEKS Newsletter

🏋️‍♂️ 4/17 CF Games Quarterfinals
🥇 CFML Leader – Mike Thomas
⚖️ Retest Day – Special Guest
🤸‍♀️ Video Highlight – Gymnastics Clinic
🇺🇸 April 27, Manion
🏆 Join our team

Meet Mike Thomas:
CFML Plymouth Meeting Leader and Coach Alex Fan!

Let’s introduce you to Mike Thomas, a prominent leader at CFML – Plymouth Meeting.

Mike is all about the deadlift; it’s his favorite movement for building strength and pushing his limits in the gym.

When it comes to coaching inspiration, Mike looks up to Coach Alex, whose expertise and motivational approach keep him energized at CFML.

Mike’s got a hidden talent too… Rowing, He’ll dominate you with his precision and power in any WOD.

Dogs or Cats? Dogs!
Uncommon belief? Aliens spark his curiosity

Join Mike at CrossFit Main Line for a workout or a chat about deadlifts, rowing techniques, or his fascination with extraterrestrial life. He brings positivity, dedication, and a unique perspective to our fitness community!

🌟🤸‍♂️ Join Us for Adult Gym Class: Fun Workouts and Fitness! 🤸‍♂️💪

Join us for an exciting two-hour clinic with the CFML coaching team this Sunday, April 28th, at Philadelphia Gymnastics in Conshohocken! Don’t miss out—take the quick 12-minute trip to experience the thrill of rope climbs, handstands, and muscle ups in an Olympic-grade gymnastics facility.

At the clinic, you’ll conquer 30′ rope climbs over a foam pit for added fun and master muscle ups using the plyometric floor and parallel bars. Whether you’re new to CrossFit or a seasoned gymnast, this event promises great coaching and top-notch facilities.

Enhance your skills and elevate your performance with us. Sign up on the posters at the gym and embark on your fitness journey this Sunday! 🏋️‍♂️💪

“Unlock Your Peak Fitness Potential: Join CFML Athlete Pete Hellberg to Explore Cenegenics on Re-Test Day!” 🌟

We’re Enhancing Re-Test Day with Something Special! 💪 Join CFML Athlete Pete Hellberg at 9am Class to Discover Cenegenics.

As Re-Test Day approaches at CrossFit Main Line, it’s time to go beyond your workout scores. Step into the InBody scan during the posted schedule for a detailed analysis of your body composition—body weight, muscle mass, body fat, and hydration levels—all guided by our coaches.

After your scan, jump into a benchmark workout with friends in class. Celebrate your progress and gain insights into your fitness journey within our supportive community. Elevate your performance and learn about Cenegenics, a Plymouth Meeting based company, focusing on peak cognitive, physical, and metabolic health tailored to your needs.

Join us to optimize your fitness journey and explore new heights of personal achievement! 🏋️‍♂️

Honor 1st Lt Travis Manion with the Manion Hero WOD: Join Us on April 27th! 🇺🇸

Join us on Saturday, April 27th, as we come together with the CFML community to honor 1st Lt Travis Manion, USMC. Pay tribute to Travis’ legacy with a special workout: The Manion Hero WOD. This annual event unites veterans, families of the fallen, and inspired civilians to commemorate Travis’ life and sacrifice.

The Manion Hero WOD, hosted by CrossFit boxes, ruck clubs, and gyms nationwide, involves a 400-meter run and 29 weighted back squats for 7 rounds, representing the date of Travis’ ultimate sacrifice on April 29th, 2007. While registration is not mandatory, it’s appreciated by the Manion Foundation.

Show your support by registering at Let’s unite in honoring Travis’ courage and legacy through a workout that reflects his spirit of service and sacrifice. Join us for this meaningful event!

Get Ready to Crush It: This Week’s WOD Lineup at CFML! 🏋️‍♂️💥

Join Coach Michelle for this week’s WOD Brief, where we break down the exciting workouts ahead. On Monday, we kick off with a 12-minute running clock strength session, aiming for a heavy shoulder-to-overhead lift, followed by a challenging 15-minute AMRAP featuring toes-to-bar, assault bike, chest-to-bar pull-ups, and more shoulder-to-overhead action.

Tuesday brings another 12-minute strength session focusing on deadlifts, followed by a challenging workout involving running and more deadlifts.

Midweek on Wednesday, we continue our strength cycle with overhead squats and front squats, aiming for strength gains with a ladder-style workout involving overhead squats and box jumps.

Thursday’s workout is a 25-minute AMRAP with calorie biking and rowing, incorporating kettlebell or dumbbell movements like push presses, snatches, Turkish get-ups, and suitcase carries.

Friday concludes our strength cycle with bench presses and a 12-minute AMRAP of burpees and bar muscle-ups.

Saturday’s chipper workout features double unders, rowing, sit-ups, and goblet box step-ups. Whether you’re tackling these workouts solo or with a partner, they promise to be challenging and rewarding. Best of luck to those competing in the open qualifier this week! See you in class!

Join Our CrossFit Youth Coaching team