CFML NEWS 4/8/24

CFML Quarterfinal Qualifiers

Gear Up Stage 2 of the CrossFit Games Season! 🏋️‍♂️💪🌟

Congratulations to all the CFML Quarterfinal Qualifiers! The Quarterfinals mark an exciting phase in the 2024 CrossFit Games season, where competitors from around the world gather virtually to showcase their hard work and dedication. After the initial Open stage, the pool of athletes has been narrowed down to the top 25%, a testament to the commitment and skill of those who have made it this far.

The Quarterfinals are not just about individual achievement; they are also about camaraderie and community spirit. Athletes will be completing six challenging workouts during their classes, pushing themselves to their limits to secure a spot in the Semifinals. This is not only a test of physical prowess but also mental resilience and determination.

For those who have qualified, this is an opportunity to shine and demonstrate their fitness prowess on a larger stage. It’s a chance to represent their gym and community while aiming for personal bests and setting new standards in the sport.

To all the athletes participating in the CFML Quarterfinals, best of luck! Your dedication and passion for CrossFit are truly inspiring, and we look forward to witnessing your incredible performances as you continue on this thrilling journey towards the Semifinals. Keep pushing, keep striving, and embrace the challenge ahead!

📚 Inside This WEEKS Newsletter

🏋️‍♂️ CFML Quarterfinal Qualifiers
🥇 CFML Leads – Jacqueline Mills
⚖️ Retest Day – Special Guest
🤸‍♀️ Gymnastics Clinic
🇺🇸 April 27, Manion
🏆 Join our team

Meet Jacqueline Mills:
CFML-Wayne’s leader of the Month with a Passion for Progress! 🌟

Meet Jacqueline Mills, CFML-Wayne’s Leader of the Month! Jacqueline excels at tracking her progress without fixating on numbers. Her favorite movement is the push press, but she’s also working on improving her pistols and running.

Before joining CrossFit, Jacqueline frequented basic gyms until she stumbled into CrossFit “by accident” at a non-affiliated location. Her favorite class times vary based on her dynamic work schedule, either at 9:30 AM or 4:30 PM.

Jacqueline’s superpower of choice? Flying, because she enjoys birdwatching! Although she loves both dogs and cats, she currently has neither. For movie nights, Jacqueline opts for comedies to keep the mood light and enjoyable.

🌟 Elevate Your Skills at the CFML Gymnastics Clinic! 🏋️‍♂️💪

Get in your car and join our CFML coaching team this Sunday, April 28th, at Philadelphia Gymnastics in Conshohocken for an exciting two-hour clinic! Don’t be a naysayer or a non-traveler—make the quick 12-minute trip to experience the thrill of rope climbs, handstands, and muscle ups in an Olympic-grade gymnastics facility.

During the clinic, you’ll conquer 30′ rope climbs over a foam pit for added fun and master muscle ups using the plyometric floor and parallel bars. Whether you’re new to CrossFit or a seasoned gymnast, this event promises great coaching and top-notch facilities.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and elevate your performance. Sign up on the posters at the gym and embark on your fitness journey with us! 🏋️‍♂️💪

Re-Test Day with Special Cenegenics Presentation and InBody Scan Analysis at CFML! 💪🔬

We’re Adding Something Special to Re-Test Day! 💪 Learn About Cenegenics with CFML Athlete Pete Hellberg at 9am Class. Discover how to achieve peak cognitive, physical, and metabolic health with a physician-led program customized to your needs by Plymouth Meeting’s Cenegenics.

As Re-Test Day approaches at CrossFit Main Line, it’s time to delve deeper into your gains. While your Wodify scores showcase your progress, let’s explore it on a skeletal level. Step onto the InBody scan during the posted schedule, where a coach will guide you through a segmented analysis of body weight, muscle mass, body fat, and hydration levels.

After the test, engage in a benchmark workout alongside friends in class. Gain insights into your body composition and celebrate your achievements in a supportive community environment. Prepare to elevate your fitness journey to new heights with personalized analysis and camaraderie!” 🏋️‍♂️

Honor 1st Lt Travis Manion’s Legacy:
Join Us for the Manion Hero WOD on April 27th!

Join us on Saturday, April 27th as we unite with the CFML community to pay tribute to 1st Lt Travis Manion, USMC. Honor Travis’ Legacy with a Special Workout: The Manion Hero WOD. This annual event brings together veterans, families of the fallen, and inspired civilians to commemorate Travis’ life and sacrifice.

Hosted by CrossFit boxes, ruck clubs, and gyms nationwide, participants honor Travis by completing a 400-meter run and 29 weighted back squats for 7 rounds, echoing the date of his ultimate sacrifice on April 29th, 2007. While registration is not mandatory, it’s appreciated by the Manion Foundation.

Show your support by registering at Let’s unite to honor Travis’ courage and legacy through a workout that reflects his spirit of service and sacrifice. Join us in this meaningful event!

Get Ready to Crush It: This Week’s WOD Lineup at CFML! 🏋️‍♂️💥

🏋️‍♀️ Monday kicks off with a snatch complex and a calorie row/hang squat snatch ladder.

💪 Tuesday features bench press strength training (3 sets of 8). Later, tackle the benchmark workout Annie: 50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit-ups.

🔥 Wednesday’s Metcon is a 24-minute EMOM with goblet lunges, heavy deadlifts, and max calorie bike sprints.

💥 Thursday brings a heavy 3-rep push press build-up followed by a gymnastics AMRAP featuring strict handstand push-ups, muscle-ups, and runs.

🏋️‍♂️ Friday focuses on overhead or front squats across three sets of eight, then five sets of rowing and heavy front squats for time.

🌟 Saturday culminates with the Filthy 50: a classic benchmark workout of 10 stations with 50 reps each.

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