Monday 2/29/24

Can CrossFit Enhance Longevity and Quality of Life?

As I embark on my third decade in the fitness industry and my second in CrossFit, I dedicate more time and research to enhancing the quality of life for our CFML clients. Many of you have been part of CFML for over a decade, which I truly appreciate. Like mine, your approach to fitness has evolved over time. I value both physical activity and intellectual engagement within our community, and I aim to extend these benefits to our clients.

Recent research sheds light on longevity, particularly concerning physical and mental well-being. It’s evident: CrossFit promotes a longer, more active life.

While family history and lifestyle choices significantly influence longevity—considering factors like smoking, drinking, diet, and exercisenew studies suggest we have more control over our lifespan than previously assumed. Muscle mass (strength) and VO2 Max (cardiovascular endurance) emerge as crucial indicators of longevity. Simply put, increased muscle and endurance enhance both lifespan and quality of life.

Greater muscle mass not only enhances strength but also serves as a protective layer against impacts, particularly falls. Strong muscles reduce the risk of injury by cushioning bones and slowing the descent during falls. Additionally, weight training fosters bone density, minimizing the likelihood of fractures.

Recent podcasts and articles from Drs. Peter Attia, Rhonda Patrick and Huberman have referenced a recent published study showing a direct correlation of VO2 Max and longevity. The good news for CrossFit athletes is that high intensity interval training has a profound positive impact on VO2 max – likely more than sustained Zone 2 training according to a report from the NIH.

– Coach Daniel

📚 Inside This WEEKS Newsletter

💪👧👦 Wanna be a CrossFit Youth Coach?
🏋️‍♂️🔥 CrossFit Open, 10 days away!
🏥 CPR Cert. Last week to sign up
🏋️‍♂️ Week of WODs video breakdown
👥 Join our team

Reminder: Our annual membership rate increase occurs on February 22, the billing period for March, 2024. Please contact your coach if you have questions.


CrossFit Open

3 Weeks — 3 Workouts
WOrkouts Announced Weekly, Thursday
Completed In Class on Friday

Join Our CrossFit Youth Coaching team

Narberth Ambulance Hosts CPR Certs @ CFML
Sign Up starting this week at the gym

Get ready for this week’s WODbrief with Coach Michelle!

Monday kicks off with President’s Day themed WOD “The Chief”. Tuesday focuses on the Enderton Complex and a cardio chipper. Wednesday features jump rope, gymnastics, and shoulder work. Thursday offers a longer metcon for lower body. Friday concludes the week’s work. Saturday’s highlight is the clean-a-jerk, where partners aim for max reps in a 20-minute AMRAP. Join us for this week’s challenges starting February 19th! See you in class!