CFML News 1/8/24

Cutting Through the Email Chaos:


Ever feel like drowning in emails from school, family events, and endless sales pitches? Yup, we get it. Amidst the chaos, we bust our chops to create a weekly newsletter, hoping you’ll spare 2 mins. Truth is, our open rates soar, but the actual reads? Not so much. Last week’s hundreds of opens resulted in only 20 surveys completed. We’re not mind readers, but we’d love your thoughts. Check out the 2024 survey at the bottom of this email or at the gym’s voting booths. Help us cut through the noise and make our service tailored to you. We’re all ears for making your experience top-notch! 📬👂 #CommunityFeedback #LetsTalk

📚 Inside This WEEKS Newsletter

🎉 CFML – Ardmore Maven, Cate Durst
🤔🏋️‍♂️ CrossFit Made Easy???
💪 The Open, Registration Jan.9
🏋️‍♂️🛍️📚 CFML Coach Perks: Free membership, Retail Discount, Con’t Education….

CrossFit Maven Cate Durst Takes the Lead as CFML – Ardmore Inspirational Leader of the Month

Cate Durst, our CFML – Ardmore Leader of the Month, embodies the essence of perseverance within the CrossFit community. With an unwavering commitment to self-improvement, Cate approaches each workout with the determination to become her best self. New to CFML in 2023 but not to CrossFit, Hailing from CrossFit Jungle Gym in Hamilton, New Jersey, Cate brings a wealth of fitness experience to our community. Her resilience and dedication shine through. Cate seamlessly combines her passion for fitness with an infectious positivity, making her not only her biggest cheerleader but also yours. Her presence enriches our community, reflecting the true spirit of CrossFit.

CrossFit Made Easy: Coach Michelle’s Bite-Sized Breakdown Covers Everything from Open Updates to Hero WODs – Tune In!

Got the energy for CrossFit but not so much for reading through the weekly program details? No worries! Just tune in to Coach Michelle’s quick 2-minute breakdown. In this week’s WOD Brief, she spills the beans on all things CrossFit Open, updates on strength cycles, and the lowdown on hero WODs. The video dives into the 17-minute AMRAP workout, drops tips on back squats and double unders, shares insights on a challenging rowing and wall ball duo, breaks down hang power cleans and rope climb techniques, and delves into deadlifts and box jump overs. Plus, there’s a partner-style hero WOD for added fun. All the crucial details like workout durations, rep schemes, and weights are covered, so you can plan your workouts, go for those steady sets, and amp up those weights. Easy peasy!

Get Ready:
CrossFit Open Registration Opens Tuesday, January 9th!

Join the world’s largest annual online fitness competition, the CrossFit Games Open, spanning three weeks from Thursday, February 29th to March 4th. Anticipating over 400,000 participants in 2024, CrossFit unveils one workout weekly on Thursdays, with scores due by Monday—suitable for athletes of all levels. CFML boasts a rich Open history, with members participating since its 2010 inception. Our community unites every Friday for the Open Workouts in classes, fostering high energy, camaraderie, and a celebration of collective achievements. Experience the thrill with coaches, competitors, and members coming together for a vibrant and enjoyable fitness journey.

Register for the CrossFit Open HERE on January 9th.