CFML News 10/30/23

NOVEMBER training notes

a Spooktacular Recap and What’s Cooking for November’s Fitness Fun!

Last month, we transformed into some seriously SPOOK-tacular workout wizards as we wrapped up our short wave loading cycle for the Power Clean, Bench Press, and Front/Overhead Squat. We sprinkled in some Benchmark workouts, and brewed up some brand new Workouts of the Week, including a bewitching Halloween concoction!

We sprinkled in a dash of gymnastics skill/strength work 1-2 times a week, and we stirred up our conditioning to focus more on GPP (General Pumpkin Performance). What does that mean? Well, we’re ditching the long and short workouts or intervals and embracing a more well-rounded approach to get you in spooktacular shape.

With multiple time domains being practiced multiple times per week, we’re laying the foundation for the CF Open coming in February. It’s time to put the “buff” in “buffoonery”!

1RM Overhead Squat/Front Squat + Power Clean + Bench Press
Retest of workouts “Devil On My Shoulders” & “Infinity Loop”
Gymnastics Skill/Strength Weekly
GPP Conditioning Focus

November is shaping up to be a stuffed turkey of fitness fun, starting with the second course of our strength cycle. It’s the same wave loading as October, but this time we’re switching it up with the Back Squat, Push Jerk, and Deadlift. It’s like a Thanksgiving feast for your muscles!

Strength Focus: Heavy Oly Day, Back Squat, Push Jerk, Deadlift
Metcon Focus: 2-3 Moderate Time, 1-2 Short, 1-2 Long, 2-3 Benchmarks, 1 Partner

We’re throwing in an Oly day during the week to keep things snappy and get cozy under a heavy Oly bar. But the pièce de résistance for this month is our Veterans’ Day workout: Chad.

We programmed this gem last year, and we’re as thrilled as a turkey on Thanksgiving to bring it back! We did some warm-up exercises last month, so we hope you’re now as confident as a scarecrow facing this burley workout. The other main event? You guessed it, Thanksgiving!

This year, we’re planning to serve up three workouts: the day before, the day of, and the day after, to make sure everyone has a slice of these next-level workouts. And, hey, if you want to team up with a buddy, we’ve got partner variations too! So, let’s hibernate in the gym this month and then waddle our way into the final month of the year.

LET’S GOO! It’s time to gobble up those gains and get stuffed with strength! 🦃💪

Press PLAY to watch

• Monday – Bench Press, Short Metcon
• Tuesday – “Witch Way” Long Metcon
• Wednesday – Toes 2 Bar, Short Metcon
• Thursday – Oly Practice, Long Metcon
• Friday – Power Clean, Short Metcon
• Saturday – “Infinity Loop” Partner
• Sunday – Quality Recovery


Tired of a stagnant fitness routine? We’ve got the solution! Our dynamic strength and conditioning workouts incorporate various equipment, like barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, and bodyweight exercises. Whether you prefer 1:1 coaching, open gym, or lively group classes, we keep your workouts fresh and personalized. Ready to boost strength, improve conditioning, and bid farewell to workout burnout? Don’t delay! Click the link and grab 5 Days for $5.


Get ready to unleash your inner fashionista-fitnessista because our apparel extravaganza is landing on Thursday, November 2. Limited colors, sizes, and quantities make it feel like a fashion-themed game of hide and seek! If you pre-ordered and don’t love it, don’t worry – we’ll buy it back. The only thing you’ll lose is the fashion FOMO! Stay tuned to the retail section for a complete remodel, and watch out for caution tape as we prepare for the big reveal. And if you ordered a hat, keep an eye on your email; they’re experiencing some delays.

Raving Reviews: A Fitness Experience Like No Other!

Well, folks, brace yourselves because we’ve got another 6, yes, count ’em, 6 5-⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews! There were more, but our newsletter can only handle so much awesomeness. It seems that if you’re on the hunt for something special, you’ve found it right here. Say goodbye to those generic fitness templates, cookie-cutter programs, and one-size-fits-all nonsense. We’re here to make you stand out, not blend in. Say hello to personal attention, a team with enough experience to fill a century, personalized workouts, and a journey to becoming a buff and better you. Now, take the plunge! Click the link, leave us an awesome review and let your friends know what its all about. 💪😄

Calorie torching workout of the week.

Rely on the legs for the power cleans and let your arms guide the barbell.

Power Clean 1RM
— Then —
Pull Ups
1 Power Clean

In the grand fitness scheme, here’s the plan:
STRENGTH/SKILL: Three acts from light weights and high reps to a climactic 1RM attempt. Save the best for last.
WORKOUT: Each minute feels like a mini sprint. Keep pull-ups unbroken and crush those heavy barbell cleans. Let the legs do the heavy lifting.
Expectations vary based on skill, and personal scores can shine. 💪😅

🌟 A glimpse into cfmls hiring process 🌟

We’re thrilled to see a surge of applicants and familiar faces in our interview queue. While our hiring process might seem a tad slow, it’s designed to ensure a perfect fit for both your professional and personal success.

Step 1: Score Card Review. We examine the roles deliverables to ensure they align with your expectations. If they don’t…no worries. We high five and your on your way.

Step 2: Virtual Interview. Review your resume and ask situational questions.

Step 3: Personal and Professional Vision Planning: You’ll share your 1-3-5-10 year personal and professional goals. We understand that professional success is just one piece of the puzzle; your personal goals matter too.

Step 4: In-Person Coaching. Our rockstar coaches lead a class, and then it’s your turn to coach the next two. Our team and athletes provide feedback, and if they don’t warm up to you, we know we’re in hot water.

Step 5: Hire to a 56-Day Onboarding. Get ready for a comprehensive onboarding to kickstart your journey and insure success.

Step 6: Managing Partner: You’ll play a crucial role in our dynamic team. Deliver weekly progress, ask for help and offer solutions.

We’re searching for someone with passion, leadership skills, CrossFit management experience, strong communication, an entrepreneurial spirit, and, ideally, a CrossFit Level 1 certification. Join us and enjoy a competitive salary, wellness benefits, professional development, and a supportive team environment.

Are you ready to be the catalyst for change in our community? Click the link and apply today to be a part of our fitness journey!



Welcome, October’s fresh faces at CrossFit Main Line! 🎉 You’re now part of our elite squad, where we promise to hold you accountable. It’s not just fitness; it’s a team sport, and we’re here to cheer you on as you tackle your goals, one burpee at a time. Let’s sprint towards success together! 💪🏃‍♂️😄


SNOOZE: Why hitting the snooze button in the morning may be beneficial.
VIDEO SHORT: “I can’t fix ‘you don’t care.’” – Greg Glassman 2010 Presentation to CrossFit Affiliate Owners.
ARTICLE: Take This Addictive Food Away From Me
• BAKE: Tis the season for pumpkin carbs. Try this recipe for pumpkin bread.