Weekly Breakdown 4/24/23

Introducing our CFML Wayne leader of the month Fred! Fred started CrossFit in September of 2017, and has been with us since Feb 2021. He stays motivated by testing the limits of what he “shouldn’t be able to do” at his age, especially with some great motivational examples right in CFML. Fred also says CrossFit helps me keep his sanity by burning off stress in the form of calories and moving heavy things. 

He also credits CrossFit for allowing him to “Marrying up” JUST KIDDING but he is most proud of his marriage and having two great boys.  Additionally his deadlifts and squats are pretty impressive and Fred also has black belts in two martial arts. 

Thank you, Fred for being a great example and friendly face to all those who enter our doors!

THE WEEK AHEAD: 90s video breakdown

Mon: (S) Pulling Strength (W) Burpees Over Bar, Power Clean
Tues: (S) Back Squat (W) 3 Rounds: Row, Toes to Bar, Back Squats
Wed: (S) Gymnastics (W) Strict Handstand Push-Ups, Alt DB Hang Power Snatch
Thurs: (S) Deadlift (W) EMOM 15: Bike, Library Deadlift
Fri: (S) Shoulder Press (W) Run, Box Jumps, Push Press
Sat: (W) ‘Manion’
Sun: (W) KB Sumo DL High Pull, Weighted Sit-Up

“Manion” Saturday April 29th,
9:00am @ CFML – Ardmore.
Register and using the QR code.

FREE MONTH Flash Sale! ENDS midnight April 26th.

Are you fitter than 5th grade you?
Relive the Presidential Fitness test in class the week of May 1-6
Inbody Scanner Dates:
Ardmore: May 2nd
Wayne: May 3rd
Ply. Mtg. May 4th

CONGRATS to team CFML Ply. Mtg members Bad A$$ Lifting Daddys (BALD) for their 2nd place finish at Festivus!

400m Run 
Immediately Into…
15 Box Jumps (20)
10 Push Press (95/65)
Immediately Into…
 400m Run

Advice from our coaches:
Use a weight that you can do all 10 PP unbroken. Pace the 1st run and the 1st round, making sure not to redline too early!

Congratulations to Andrea and Scott Benson on the arrival of their son, Jack!

CLA Extreme: Weight Management. Healthy fat metabolism, with guarana and green tea,  & energy production.