January 10k Jump Rope Challenge!Join us in taking on the 10,000 jump rope double-unders (or single-unders) challenge over 30 days in support of fitness and mentorship opportunities for at-risk youth.

Your support will bring hope and opportunity to kids who need it most… not to mention make you fitter, and a lot better at jumping rope. What’s not to love?!

Starting today! Register with the CrossFit_Mainline team. Click here to register.

Mon: Strength: Hang Power Clean – Workout: Hang Power Cleans, Pull-Ups, Double Unders
Tues: Strength: Overhead Squat – Workout: Bike, Overhead Squats
Wed: Strength: Sumo DeadliftWorkout: KB Swing, Row, Bench Press
Thurs: Workout: Run, Back Rack Lunges, Toes to Bar
Fri: Workout: ‘Open 22.1’
Sat: Workout: Row, Wall Balls, Sit-Ups
Sun: Workout: Strict Pull-Ups, Tempo Push-Ups, Segmented Sumo DL High Pull

Today’s open gym workout is programmed by CrossFit Games athlete Freya Moosbrugger

2:00m work, 1:00m rest each round

4 Rounds:

15 Thrusters (135/95)

Max Cal Row in time remaining

Rest 3:00m, then

4 Rounds

15 Calorie Row

Max Thrusters in time remaining

Scaling Options:
•Ideally the buy-in of each round should take less than a minute- scale the number of reps and the weight as needed. The max thrusters should be a weight you can comfortably move.

Advice From Our Coaches:
The stimulus here is threshold training. The goal is to see consistent numbers across the board in both cas and reps of thrusters. 


The clock is ticking! Only 12 hours left! Our best membership deal of the year ends at midnight! Get 6 months of classes for 25% off. There’s no time to waste. Click here to get started.


Our quarterly retests are coming up, a 1 day event to test a benchmark metcon and your body composition testing! Save the dates: 

  • January 21st – Wayne 
  • January 28th – Plymouth Meeting
  •  February 4th – Ardmore

Crossfit Main Line has invited you to take on the 2023 10k Challenge: 10,000 jump rope double-unders (or single-unders) over 30 days in support of fitness and mentorship opportunities for at-risk youth.

Your support will bring hope and opportunity to kids who need it most… not to mention make you fitter, and a lot better at jumping rope. What’s not to love?!

Click here to register.


CrossFit Games Open 22.1 RX 

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

3 wall walks

12 dumbbell snatches

15 box jump-overs

Advice from our coaches:
1. Smooth is fast on the wall walks.  We want our reps to feel fluid, rather than rushing up the wall and taking unnecessary, sloppy steps.
2. If the DB feels light, transition it overhead to speed up the movement and stay fast.  If the weight is heavier for you, consider bringing it to your shoulder first before transitioning to the other hand.  This is a bit slower, but less fatiguing. 


Shout out to Coach Robbie Williamson for offering TB12 pliability treatments to our members at our Plymouth Meeting location!  If you would like to schedule a session, reach out to Robbie via phone call or text at 585-216-7663.


Retail Spotlight! Have you checked out our beverages lately? We have Nirvana Waters now available! This water strengthens muscles and bones with infused HMB and vitamin D3, it reduces muscle recovery time from exercise, soreness, and injury, and decreases muscle loss and degradation from activity and aging.

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