Join us for a holiday party! CFML Holiday Party at Workhorse Brewing Company in KOP. Dec. 2nd 7pm-9pm. Come grab a drink with our coaching staff and meet other Main Line athletes. No RSVP required, just show up! The 5:30pm class will be canceled in honor of the party.

This week we will continue to build on our Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlift strength.  We have a couplet of wall ball shots and bike on Monday, Deadlift Tuesday, a cardio party Wednesday, classic CrossFit Thursday, and benchmark Friday! 


Mon: Strength: Bench Press – Workout: Bike, Wall Balls
Tues: Strength: Deadlift – Workout: Deadlift, Deadlift, Bar Muscle Up, Box Jump Overs
Wed: Workout: Burpees, Sit-Ups, Row
Thurs: Strength: Back Squat – Workout: Thrusters, DUBS, Run
Fri: Strength: Power Clean, Hang Power Clean – Workout: Eliza Plus
Sat: Workout: Run, KBS, Sit-Ups
Sun: Workout: Box Jump, Lunges, C2B, Lunges, Lunges

Today’s workout is programmed by nine-time CrossFit veteran and CrossFit Seminar Staff Flowmaster, James Hobart

21 Rounds for Time:

6 Deadlifts

5 Hang Power Cleans

4 Front Squats

3 Shoulder to Overhead

200ft Weighted Carry

Scaling Options:
•Scale the workout to a weight that allows you to complete multiple rounds unbroken. If you don’t have the space to carry, consider performing a :30 hold in place of the carries.
Advice From Our Coaches:
The first few rounds should feel fast and fun. The grip fatigue and volume quickly accumulate in this workout. Considering resting after the 5th deadlift, and then finishing the deadlifts as you bring the weight up to the first hang power cleans, front squat, and push presses. For the carries, holding the weights at the shoulders will likely to allow you to move the fastest and avoid resting. 


Our Black Friday sale continues! $22 for 2022. Whether you’re brand new to CrossFit, or a seasoned athlete, we have skilled coaches and a supportive community waiting for you. Finish the year strong for $22 and train with us for the rest of the year. Click here to get started.

*Membership commitment starting Jan. 1st required.


Here at CrossFit Main Line, we are driven to help you reach your health and fitness goals.  That’s why we are always looking for ways to improve your experience as a client.  

But we need your help!

We are looking for a cohort of five individuals, who are committed to their health and fitness goals and curious to explore a unique methodology of training to help us test a new membership offering here at CrossFit Main Line: Remote Coaching.

What you’ll experience as a member of this trial program:

  • A strategic assessment of your movement patterns, identifying your weaknesses and strengths.
  • Uniquely curated programming to help you smash training plateaus and arrive at your goals safely.
  • Intensive video analysis of lifts / training to ensure you move with healthy and powerful patterns.
  • Nutrition and lifestyle coaching to help you learn healthy and nourishing habits to support a vibrant life.

Your guide on this journey will be Brian Terpak, owner of Steelworks Strength Systems in Philadelphia.  A Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength Coaches Association, Brian has been a strength and conditioning coach since 2013 and has helped hundreds of people redefine their own self-imposed limits and helped them smash their goals.  You can learn more about him HERE.

If you are ready to get started and join this select trial team, please e-mail Brian today. Brian@steelworksstrength.com





Power Clean (135/95)|(95/65)

Ring Dip or HR Push-up

Advice from our coaches:
1. Choose a weight that you could complete 10 + repetitions unbroken of the Power Cleans.  Focus on setting up correctly for each set on this lift.  Moving well here will mean more energy and less fatigue.
2. For the gymnastics move: If we are reduced to singles in the set of 27 then we recommend scaling down the skill.  We can use a Deficit Push-Up, or a Hand Release Push-Up!


Join us for a holiday party! CFML Holiday Party at Workhorse Brewing Company in KOP. Dec. 2nd 7pm-9pm. Come grab a drink with our coaching staff and meet other Main Line athletes. No RSVP required, just show up!


Retail Spotlight! Have you tried our Whey protein? Whey Protein can help support your daily protein needs (essential to building MUSCLES).  Besides building muscle, protein also regulates your metabolism, and has a ton of micronutrients to support a healthy lifestyle.  Mix one scoop into water or milk after a class, or use it to make dishes like oatmeal or fruit smoothies! 

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