Weekly Breakdown 1/31/22

The Desire to seek immediate gratification can be our mortal enemy.  It drives us towards the comfortable choice. The safer option, or the compromise. What we lack in those weak moments is discipline. Discipline is the willingness to stick to goals we set out to do. Emotions and conditions can tempt us to sway, where our discipline can see the temptations for the what they are, and make the right decision. This skill, as it truly is one that we can practice, has been linked many times over to being a critical component of success. What our emotions drive us towards today, may very well be directly against what we want in the long run. So we must question them. Stacked by side by side, here we need to choose. Which one do you want more? There can only be one. 


Saturday, February 5th: CFML – Wayne Re-test Day. In-body Scanner and Benchmark WOD. Measure your muscle, fat, and hydration and track your progress through our benchmark workout. Physical Therapist Josh Finley will be onsite for some Q&A

REMINDER: March 1, annual inflation increase 7%

Link to Schedule for Winter 2022


Mon: 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME, 25/20 Cal Bike, 15 Hang Power Cleans, 3 Rope Climbs
Tues: “PUNCH OUT” FOR TIME, 800m Run, 30 Thrusters, 30 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Wed:1. EMOM x 10 MINUTES MIN 1 – 20 Alt. Single DB Power Snatch, MIN 2 – :45 Max Step-Ups –Rest 3:00 b/t Part 1 & 2-2. AMRAP x 5 MINUTES *Reps of Complex… *1 Rep is…1 DB Power Clean L, 1 DB Power Clean R, 1 DB Box Step-Over
Thurs: FOR TIME, 1000/800m Row, Immediately Into… 21-15-9, Up-Downs to Target, Pull-Ups, Immediately Into… 1000/800m Row
Fri: STRENGTH, Overhead Squat (3×6) WORKOUT ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK…3 Unbroken Hang Squat Snatch, 75 Double Unders
Sat: STRENGTH, ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK…Build to 3-Rep Deadlift Heavier than Workout Weight, WORKOUT 3 SETS ON A 6:00 RUNNING CLOCK… 40 Sit-Ups, 40 Push-Ups, 20 Deadlifts
Sun: WORKOUT – THE ABYSS FOR TIME* Athletes Choice… 75 DB Hang Curtis P’s**  or 100 DB Hang Curtis P’s, *Every 3:00, starting at 3:00, perform a 100m Run.

Coach April’s Workout Of The Week:

  • RX:
    For Time
    500 meter Ski
    10 Toes-to-bar
    500 meter Row
    20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
    1,000 meter Bike
    30 Toes-to-bar
    Toe-to-bar = V-ups or Leg Lifts to parallel
    Chest-to0bar = Regular Pull-ups
    Time Cap: 10 minutes

Some advice from April: “​​Smooth is fast. Go hard on the Ergs but not too hard that the gymnastics suffers. You will lose more time staring at the pull-up bar then slowing down the erg. Elites aim for sub 8 mins!”

FREE 30 Minute Consultation

As we complete our first month of 2022 and Quarterly Assessments, we think about how to make “the best hour of your day” even better. Still have a nagging ache or pain? Find solutions so you can move with confidence in 2022. Josh Finley PT brings Olympic level Physical Therapy experience to CrossFit Main Line.
Tuesday Mornings at Ardmore
Wednesday Evenings at Wayne
To schedule a free 30 min consultation, tap here.

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