Weekly Breakdown 1/24/22

Let’s not wait for the perfect time. Let’s instead just create it. “Just Start.” We’ve used this approach in most aspects of life. As we transition from one event big or small, let’s just start. If we can remove that moment of hesitation, we quickly find those first reps are always there, and more. We surprise ourselves with a set of 15reps, when we would have bet we would have failed our first. We can either await the picture perfect moment, or we can get outside and create it. 


Saturday January 29th: CFML – Wayne Re-test Day. In-body Scanner and Benchmark WOD. Measure your muscle, fat, and hydration and track your progress through our benchmark workout. Physical Therapist Josh Finley will be onsite for some Q&A

• REMINDER: March 1, annual inflation increase 7%

Link to Schedule for Winter 2022


Mon: Strength – Overhead Squat 3×6, 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME, 6 Power Snatches, 8 Alt. Back Rack Lunges*, 10 Overhead Squat
Tues: EMOM x 24 MINUTES*, MIN 1 – 15/12 Cal Bike, MIN 2 – Max Strict Pull-Ups or Max Push-Ups, MIN 3 –  Max Burpee Box Jump Overs, MIN 4 – REST
Wed: Strength: Build to a 5RM Jerk, FOR TIME*3-6-9-12-9-6-3, Push Jerk, *15 Cal Row After Every Set
Thurs: AMRAP x 20 MINUTES, 50 Double Unders, 10 Deadlifts, 7 Ring Muscle-Ups Rest 1:00 per round
Fri: “TABATA” 8 ROUNDS EACH, :20 ON / :10 OFF,1 – Up-Downs, 2 – Slam Balls, 3 – Slam Ball Alt. Lunges*, 4 – Slam Ball Russian Twists**, 5 – Up-Downs
Sat: 3 SETS FOR TIME, 10 Toes to Bar, 20 DBL DB Hang Power Snatch, 10 Toes to Bar, 10 DB Renegade Rows*, 10 Toes to Bar, 5 DB Devil’s Press
Sun: Strength: 3x 7-10 Front Squat, FOR TIME, 2000/1600m Row, 100 Box Jump Overs ,50 Front Squats

Coach Jenna’s Workout Of The Week:
6 Rounds with a partner (1 round on, 1 round off)
21 calories on a machine of your choice (Rower/Bike/Ski Erg)
15 burpee box jump overs
9 deadlifts (315/220 pounds or 143/100kg)
Some advice from Jenna: “Push the machine but don’t redline. Stay controlled on burpees and pick a deadlift weight that’s moderate and should be done unbroken.”

Creating Your Health Network

As we complete our first month of 2022 and Quarterly Assessments, we think about how to make “the best hour of your day” even better. Still have a nagging ache or pain? Find solutions so you can move with confidence in 2022. Josh Finley PT brings Olympic level Physical Therapy experience to CrossFit Main Line.
Tuesday Mornings at Ardmore
Wednesday Evenings at Wayne
To schedule a free 30 min consultation, tap here.

Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying

Sign- Up for the Open!

CrossFit Games Season Schedule is Here: READ MORE 

  • The Open will still be three weeks, consisting of 22.1, 22.2 and 22.3.
  • We will be hosting our Friday Night Lights, each Friday of the open we will program the Open WOD. Each Friday Night we will hold rolling heats of the WODs, with the final WOD being a “Stink and Drink” (Social Time and hang out with the community!)
  • There are still a lot of details left to be announced, including the release of the full season rulebook, locations of Semifinal events, and registration details.

Sign- Up Here

Another Way of Using a Lacrosse Ball

There’s lacrosse (obviously) and painfuly shoving one in any area of your body that hurts. But is there one more use for a lacrosse ball? Check out this video and see how it can help improve your grip on gymnastic bar movements.


The Ultimate Guide To Double Unders for Average Joes

This video is like having a private double under seminar for all of us still trying to string big sets together (or get our first ones.) Watch as Ben Dziwulski from WODprep breaks down the issues of two of his friends and provides the cues and tips they need to improve.


The Most Common Issue in Cleans

Bring your shoulders back, and keep them over the bar, but don’t lean too far…shoulders can be confusing in cleans. Get the ultimate cue for getting your shoulder position correct and discover exactly where they should align to the bar.


Your Shin Splints

Transitioning from the trails to the treadmill? Shin splints are a real possibility. Check out this guide on preventing shin splints from occurring and how to care for them if they do happen.


Ten Killer Ab Exercises

Looking for a new drill to add to your ab finishers after class? Here are ten that are sure to make laughing a painful activity for the next few days.