Weekly Breakdown 12/6/21

HOLIDAY PARTIES: COMMUNITY, LOVE & HOPE – In case you missed it, last weekend CFML held its “annual” holiday party. I choose to put “annual” in quotations here because last year Covid circumstances prevented us from holding it. Like previous years I knew this year it would be a blast, but I was blown away by the experience and inspired with a sense of hope for a return to normalcy in our community. Finding CFMLs heartbeat in a post Covid environment has been a challenge. The news and social media often paint a picture of animosity, hate and discord in our society. But at CFML (and, I hope at many other entertainment, sports & arts environments around the country) the opposite is true. Community, camaraderie and love are the norm. And that gives me hope.


Saturday December 18: “Years End” Competition, 8a – 1p @ CFML- Wayne JOIN THE FUN


Mon: Strength, Power Snatch. “Ups & Downs” 10rds 200m Row, 10-1 DB Box Step Overs
Tues: “Pushing Me Away” 5rds, 1k Bike, 50 Dubs, 15-12-9-6-3 Ring Dips
Wed: “Sneaky Sevens” 7rds 7 Box Jumps, 7 Power Cleans, 7 T2B, 7 Front Squats, 7 Burpees, 7 Push Jerks, 7 C2B
Thurs: “Meteorite” AMRAP 20, 4rds 400m Run, 21 KB Swings. Then MAX Meter Row
Fri: “Hair Of The Dog” Teams of 2, 100 Burpees, 50 DB Front Squats, 10 Rope Climbs, 50 DB Front Squats, 10 Rope Climbs, 50 DB Front Squats, 100 Sit Ups
Sat: “12 Days Of CrossFit” 1 HSPU, 2 OHS, 3 HPS, 4 Dead Lifts, 5 Box Jumps, 6 K2E, 7 Burpees, 8 KBS, 9 Ring Dips, 10 Lunges, 11 Sit Ups, 12 Ball Slams


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Power Cleans & Push Jerks (135,95)
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Sit Ups & Cal Bike
*22min Time Cap
Some advice from Coach April: Quick singles on the barbell, move steady through the GHDs, and push the bike more than you want to.


MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, BEGIN WITH YOURSELF; HEALTHY NUTRITION & EXERCISE. And, on the other side of the party line: Build back better. Great fitness & nutrition advice for every American.

JERKS DOs & DON’Ts When performing a jerk, the most efficient way to impart momentum on the barbell is to reach full extension at the knees and hips during the drive phase. Lack of full extension is a very common fault and is less efficient. WATCH

FOUR TIPS FOR GETTING OUT OF THE GYM FASTER. Run out when the finisher involves burpees is the correct answer. But if you insist on finishing the workout, these four tips on equipment choice, setting up, and tearing down barbells will get you back on the road in no time. FOR TIME: PACK UP THE GYM.

HOW CROSSFIT BOXES ARE WORKING TO IMPROVE THE FEMALE BODY IMAGE AND CONFIDENCE. In my experience, loads of people think of CrossFit as this intimidating, male-dominated sport — partly because that’s how it was first advertised. But while you will undoubtedly find the odd grunting character who loves nothing more than slamming down a barbell twice their weight in one of the 62 CrossFit boxes across London, you’ll also find nurturing, diverse communities where fitness has enabled female friendship to flourish. READ MORE

COACHING CUEING, TIPS FOR THE FRONT SQUAT. We are convinced that better technique will help bring our athletes closer to fitness, and cueing effectively remains only one small piece of becoming a great coach. WATCH

WHEN YOU SHOULD FOAM ROLL. If you’re like us, the answer is “all the time”. But according to research, there may be a more scientific approach to help with recovery. See when you should, and shouldn’t, be rolling. CROSSFITTERS, ROLL OUT.