Tuesday 6.4.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

Don’t miss out!
21 Day Summer Slim Down Special, starts June 9
Custom Workouts & Nutrition for 79



1a) Rope Climb 5 x 1-2
1b) Strict Dips 5 x 8-10


For time:
25 Burpee Box Jumps
50 S20H
25 Burpee Box Jumps


Light DB Shoulder Circuit: 3 x 15 ea.



Minute 1: 16 Alt. Hang DB Snatches
Minute 2: 40s Dbl KB Front Rack Hold
Minute 3: 12 Dbl KB Suite case Hold Step Ups
Minute 4: 1:00 Sit Ups
Minute 5: Rest ​


– Strength: Today our strength work consists of upper-body pulling and pushing work with some higher-skill movements. Choose the option that best aligns with your ability so they are able to complete the correct amount of volume today. The majority of today’s warm-up will be spent warming up these movements to make sure everyone is good to go.
– Metcon: Today’s Metcon is intended to challenge your pacing ability – the pace today should not resemble yesterday’s workout. More of a consistent/controlled pace where you take strategic breaks. A few things to consider: Burpee Box Jumps should be slower with step downs off of the box to keep your heart-rate lower. The S2OH however, should be faster and consist of bigger sets to minimize the number of times the bar needs to be cleaned to the shoulders. While the Rx weight isn’t particularly heavy for 50 reps the additional overlap with the burpees will make this even more challenging. If you are having trouble choosing a load I’d encourage to go lighter. You’ll see this workout again in 16 weeks.