Tuesday 7.31.18 CrossFit


1) Push Jerk (6×3 @ 70%, every 90s.)
Reset on each rep (not done touch n go)
intent: Use your Jerk max from 7/27 or a moderate weight for all 6 sets. The goal is to be efficient/fast today. You’ll see these for the next 3 weeks.
2) EMOM 6
Min 1: Seated DB Presses, neutral grip 3×10
Min 2: Banded Pulldowns 3×20


Every 4:00 x 5 Sets:
7 C2B + Bar Muscle Up
400 Meter Run
Rx:(4 C2B + Bar Muscle Up)
L3: (15 C2B)
L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups)
L1: (Ring Rows) (200m Run)
Score your slowest slpil time

Intent: Each interval should leave you enough rest to sustain 80% for all sets. Gymnastics complex should be capable of being completed 1 C2B + 1 Bare MU unbroken.


1a) 3x10ea
Lateral raise + front raise + cuban press
1b) DB Hammer Curls 3×10