Thursday 7.12.18 Endurance WOD


20 frankenstein
10 plank thrust
20 scales
10 jumping lunges
20 weightless good mornings
10 squat jumps


10 Toes to Bar/knee raises
10 DB clean and Jerk
10 calorieRow
10 V ups
20 hammer curls
20 tricep extension
20 mountain climbers

Longer grind today with some built in Rest. A great goal for today would be to increase your pace as you work through the round. Meaning that your Row is 75%, ball slams at 80%, air squats at 85%, and by the time you finish the round you’re around 90% and then ready for a 2:00 recovery break to get back down to the 75% range. Choose a moderate DB weight, should be challenging but done unbroken or two sets.