Tuesday 7.10.18 CrossFit


Shoulder Press (1RM, 4,3,2,1.1.1)
100% Coach Call, Every 2min
1b) Banded Pull-apart: Complete 20-25 reps between sets of shoulder press for extra upper-back work.
Intent: Build to a 1RM shoulder press in 6-7 sets. Have a plan in place to make logical jumps in weight. It’s easy to fail too soon with a small movement like a shoulder press so make sure you take your time. Try to beat your previous 1RM by 5#s


Every 5:00 x 5 Sets:
Run 400 Meters
12 C2B Pull-ups
20/16 Hand Release Push-ups
Rx: (Pull-ups)
L2: (BA Pull-ups) (Box Push-ups)
L1: (200-300m Run) (Ring Rows) (Box Push-ups)
*Score = slowest split

Intent: Each set we are looking for about 75% effort meaning your run should be a smooth jog, Pullups completed in 2 sets or less and Push-ups completed UB. You should have at least 90s of rest after each set. Record all your splits, score will be your slowest split.


Straight Leg Sit-ups w. DB on chest: 4 x 10