Monday 6.18.18 Endurance WOD

Box Brief:
Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning
6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend 6/23 Wayne & 6/24 Ardmore Quarterly Scans and Baseline


In 8 minutes, complete
40 Russian KB Swings
400m Row
40 Wall Balls
with remaining time- row for calories
complete for 3 rounds

5 rounds

10 Hollow Rocks
10 Supermans
15 Empty Barbell Curls

In order to keep pace on the interval today, really look at your capabilities and find the right KB swing/Wall Balls break up that’ll allow you to take minimal breaks and still have gas in the tank to close out the Row each round. THIS IS WHERE excellent coaching comes in! give the athletes an achieveable strategy- consider doing the moves as a tabata or broken up into smaller rep counts with minimal rest in between.