Friday 5.4.18 CrossFit

Box Brief:
• 1st Friday Happy Hour Tonight, 5:30pm!

Friday 5.4.18 WOD


Hang Power Clean (5×1 HPC+Push Jerk+Split Jerk @ 75%, every 60s.)
Intent: Week 2 of Speed work with Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk. Work with slightly heavier loading while still maintaining efficiency.

Metcon Prep

3 Rounds, every 2min
3 Clean and Jerk
5 Lateral Burpees
*at game speed


For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#

Intent: Benchmark piece “Grace” that should be near maximal effort. Loading should allow consistent pacing with minimal bouts of rest.


1a) KB 1 1/4 Tricep Extensions 3×10
1b) KB Hammer Curls 3×10
2) Side Plank: 3×10