Sunday 3.11.18 CrossFit

18.3 0r Optional WOD


– Grab 2 Light DBs –
2 Rounds
5 DB Thrusters
10 Renegade Rows
10 Air Squats
5 Push-ups
10 DB Thrusters
3 DB Man Makers
5 DB Split Squats, ea
30s Foam Roll Thorasic Spine


1a) DB Floor Press: 4×10
1b) DB Reverse Lunges 4x6ea
Complete a super set every 2minSimilar work to last Sunday
Intent: Upper/Lower strength work today. Work up to a challenging set of Bench press and use the same weight for all sets of Split Squats


8min AMRAP
100m Run
10 DB Thrusters(50,35)
8min AMRAP
100m Row
10 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
8min AMRAP
100m Run
3 DB Man Makers (50,35)
1min Resty between AMRAPs
*Scale DB Loads as needed and Push-ups to Box Push-ups
Score = total reps

Intent: You should be able to sustain your pace for all rounds as you’ll receive enough rest to be consistent. Remember, how much harder DB Thrusters are than BB so use lighter weights if needed.


Coach led mobility

$ Out

8min AMRAP
15 Banded Pushdowns
15 Banded Pulldowns
100 Ft. Farmer Carry, AHAP