Wednesday 12.27.17 CrossFit


Intent: Spend some time working on Handstands today either with HSPU or getting comfortable kicking up and performing a hold.
We are accumulating volume today with wide-grip pull-ups. Wide-grip develops lats/rhomboids. This work should be challenging enough to complete in 3-4 sets.

1a) Handstand Push-ups

Rx+: Strict 40
Rx: Kipping 40
L2: 20s Holds or 20 shoulder taps
L1: 5×6 DB seated press
1b) Pull-ups (Wide Grip)
Rx+: 40 adding weight each set
Rx: 30 Bodyweight
L2/1: 20 Partner Assisted
2a) 1-Arm KB Row 3×10
2b) Roll Back Tricep Extensions 3×15


5min AMRAP
10 BB Curls
20s of Wheels on the Bus
10 Serratus Cruches