Friday 9.15.17 WOD


 Squat Snatch (6×2)
-Rest 2 min-

Speed Front Squats (6×4)


6 Rounds
In 3min Complete
3 Power Clean (185,125)
9 Lateral Burpees over Bar
150 Meter Max Effort Row Rx+:(70% of Power Clean if heavier than Rx weight)
L3: (155, 105)
L2: (135, 95)
L1: (9 Deadlifts 135,95)
*Score = fastest split Intent: 100% max Effort, goal complete a round in sub 90sec

$ Out

100 Banded Leg Curls each leg
100 Banded Ab Pulldowns
or Reverse Hypers: 3 x 25 @50% of Back Squat