Tuesday 7.25.17 WOD


1a) High to Low Plank x 10 passes
1b) Shoulder Taps x 20 (alternating)
1c) Banded Lat Stretch x 20s each
x 2 rounds


Box Programming Dynamic Warm-up

Skill Review

*Spend 10:00 teaching people the kip
10Min EMOM :
ODD Minutes: 20s Kipping.
Adv: T2B, Butterfly Pull-up
EVEN Minutes: 20s L-Sit or L-Hold
Adv: HS Walking
Training Intent
Skill work similar to last week Thursday. Spend 10:00 learning the kip or refining current technique. Keep sets small then perform EMOM so your athletes can practice their efficiency. Sets should allow them to re-inforce good movement patterns.


“Last Minute”
For Time:
4 rounds
Run 400 Meters
50 Double Unders
25 KBS (55, 35)
RX: (45, 25)
L2: (35, 25) (60s of Double Under Attempts)
L1: (35, 25 Russian Swings) (75 Single Unders)
20:00 Cap
Training Intent
Push your run pace today. KBS should be light and completed in no more than 2 sets. Athletes shouldn’t spend too much time completing double under so the scaling reflects this. Advanced athletes should try to push their pace and treat this workout like “Helen”. Advanced times will be under 15:00.

$ Out

Banded Anti-rotation Chop: 3 x 8-10 ea. Rest 60s.