Wednesday 6.21.17 WOD


3 Rounds of 20 work/10 rest:
1a) Single Unders
1b) Light DB Push Press
1c) DB Hammer Curls (same DBs)
1d) Double Under (or attempts)


2 Sets of:
10 Push-ups
15 Banded Pull-aparts
20 Pushdowns


Speed Close Grip Bench Press (5 x 5 @55%, every 60s.)
Bench Press Alternative:
Close Grip Floor Press- 5 x 5 @moderate weight. Pause for 1 ct when elbows touch floor. Rest 90s. Go up 5-10# from last weeks weight.
Training Intent
 All sets of Close Grip bench press should be efficient. There should be no stopping between reps. Sets should take between 5-6 seconds to complete. The intent behind performing Bench Press for maximal speed is to develop force by utilizing high-threshold motor units. Weights must be light to do this. If there is any hesitation in performing sets, then athletes need to go lighter.


For time:
50 Wallballs (20, 14)
25 S20H (135, 95)
50 Box Jumps Overs (24, 20)
25 Wallballs
50 T2B
25 Ring Dips
50 Wallballs
Rx: (115, 75) (Bar Dips)
L2: (14, 10) (95, 65) (20, 15) (Knee Lifts) (Box Push-ups)
L1: (10, 8) (65, 35) (20, 15 Step-ups) (Knee lifts) (Box Push-ups)
25:00 Cap
Training Intent
Pacing and managing shoulder/tricep fatigue is key with this workout. Also, cycling T2B is important, so break up into smaller sets to be more efficient. Come up with a strategy before starting and don’t allow yourself to come close to failure with any of the pressing movements.  This gets harder towards the end.

$ Out

DB Elbow Out Tricep Extensions: 3 x 15. Rest 60s.