Wednesday 5.31.17 WOD

Mobility: 5min

2 Sets of:
15 Banded Pushdowns
15 Banded Pull-aparts (1 set behind neck/1 set in front)

Warm-up: 10min

Dynamic Line Warm Up
30 Jumping Jacks
3 Rounds with a light barbell:
10 Bent-over Rows
10 Push Press
5 Power Snatch
5 Yoga Push-ups

Strength: 20min

Close Grip Bench (1RM,  take 6-8 sets to build to a max)
Beginner: 5 x 5, adding weight if form permits.
*Start with an empty bar and add weight each set.
Training Intent
Take 7-8 sets and progressively build to a 1RM CG Bench. Make sure athletes have spots. Close Grip bench press is great for bringing up the triceps which most people lack in strength. This applies to all overhead movements. Grip should be just inside of shoulders and elbows should stay tight to the body.

WOD: 15min

“Up the Wall”
11min AMRAP
1 Legless Rope Climb, 15′
10 T2B
15 Power Snatch (95,65)
Rx: (75,55) (Rope Climbs)
L2: (55,35) (3 Strict BA Chin-ups)
L1: (45,25) (8 Ring Rows)
Training Intent
Snatches should be light for this one and capable of being done in two sets. Scores will range from 4-7 Rds. This workout is quite deceiving so if your athletes choose a weight they can not cycle they’ll miss the boat on the sustaining their intensity.

$ Out: 5min

Rolling Tricep Extensions: 3 x 15. Rest 60s.