Wednesday 5.17.17 WOD

Mobility: 5min

Lax Ball, 30s on the following:
– Pecs
– Scapular
– Triceps

Warm-up: 10min

Dynamic Warm Up
2 Rounds with a light KB
5 KB Push Press each
5 Single Arm Russian Swing each
5 KB Windmills each
5 Goblet Reverse Lunge each
5 Burpees


1. Shoulder Press (1RM in 8-10 sets)
Beg: 5 x 5, adding
2. Bent Over Row (1 Arm KB row 3×15 ea.)
Training Intent
Progressively build to a 1RM shoulder press. Make sure athletes have plan before starting so they do not fail too early. Most athletes strict shoulder press will be 30% less than their push press. As such, taking small jumps in weight will ensure proper ramp-up and not failing too early.

WOD: 12min

12min AMRAP
10 KBS (55,35,45,25)
10 Wallballs (20,14)
L2: (35,25)
L1: (35,25 Russian Swing)
Training Intent
Pacing is key today. KBS weight should be light. Try to go unbroken on sets and rest between transitions. Athletes should start slow and look to keep their heart-rate consistent. This workout is very easy to redline early by going out too fast. Athletes should start slower and augment their pace as the workout progresses/push their pace for the last 2 minutes.

$ Out: 5min

100 Banded Pushdowns with Heavy Band
Lax Ball in pec x 60s each.