Saturday 2.11.17 WOD

Valentines Day WOD & Party
Join us for the WOD and stay for the donuts!


“The Break Up V2 “
Wall Balls (20,14)
Ab Mat Sit Ups
**EMOM 1 Athlete completes the given reps. The next minute the 2nd Athlete completes the next set of reps in the ladder. Your workout is complete when the an Athlete can not complete the given reps in the min.
**Score highest rounds + reps completed in the min.
–3min rest after last team finishes–
“The Make Up”
Teams of 2
12 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (135, 95)
10 Pull Ups
20 Dubs (x1)
**Partners rotate after completing a full round

**Last completed 2.14.16

$ Out

Have a great weekend!