Friday 2.10.17 WOD NOTES

Max Effort Upper

Mobility: 5min

Press Archetype VIDEO LINK

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Add in barbell warm up


Find your 1RM Shoulder Press or Push Press or Split Jerk
Athletes need to choose press variation they did not choose last week. Find your 1RM in less than 10 reps (10 reps = all reps after 50%). We will not complete this rep max variation, so Athletes need to choose press variation wisely.
–5min Rest/Reset–
5 Rounds For Time
12 Push Press (135,95)
20 Box Jumps (24,20)
Push Press, should be heavy, manageable for 2-3 rounds unbroken.

$ Out

50 Anchored T2B , DB between feet

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min