Sunday 7.31.16 WOD

Monster Mash!


“21-15-9 Complex”
For Time:
8 Deadlifts
7 Cleans
6 Snatches
8 Pullups
7 C2B
6 Bar MU
6 Deadlifts
5 Cleans
4 Snatches
6 Pullups
5 C2B
4 Bar MU
4 Deadlifts
3 Cleans
2 Snatches
4 Pullups
3 C2B
2 Bar MU
** (155,105,135,95)
**Athlete will perform 21 reps (8+7+6=21) of Deadlift/Clean/Snatch then Pull-Ups/Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups/Bar Muscle-Ups; then 15 reps (6+5+4=15); then 9 reps (4+3+2=9).

**Scale Bar MU by using band or a box
–Begin WOD #2 at 20min–

WOD #2

“Dirty Duece”
In 17min Complete:
2000m Row
200 Dubs (x2)
20 Cal Bike

$ Out

5×20 GHD Sit Ups to parallel