Monday 7.18.16 WOD

Max Effort Upper


AMRAP 7min
3 Power Snatches
1 Round ‘Cindy’ (60%+)
AMRAP 6min
3 Power Snatches (70%+)
1 Round ‘Cindy’
AMRAP 5min
3 Power Snatches (80%+)
1 Round ‘Cindy’
**Score total rounds + reps and 3RM PS below
**Score total rounds + reps and 3RM PS below
**There are 2 goals in this workout. Complete as many rounds + reps and find a new 3RM PS. The goal of this workout is not to game plan to score as many rounds + reps as possible. Work at the percentages listed about and attempt a new 3RM in a fatigued state.


Power Snatch (3RM)

$ Out

1 BIG set of unbroken Wall Balls (20,14)