Sunday 4.24.16 WOD NOTES

Competition Day!

Mobility: 6min

90sec. each side 0:00 – 1:00

3min – 0:00 – 2:45 Coach Athletes through this mobility.

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

WOD: 33min

“Purple Rain”
1999 second AMRAP
4 BAR MU (Rx=8PU+8Ring Dips or MU attempts)
5 Burpee Bar Hops
6 Clean and Jerks (135,95,115,75)
13 HR Push ups
39 Air Squats
100 Dubs (x2)
**4 live albums, 5 #1 singles, 6 compilations, 13EPs, 39 studio albums, 100 million records sold
Set clocks to count down 33min (1999 seconds). 
Bar MU: Modify to Rx movements or MU attempts.
C&J should be manageable for sets of 2-3 unbroken in rounds 1 and 2
Spend time today coaching time management. Long WOD, Athletes need to pace themselves.
Coaching tip, during long WODs we tend to coach the masses and time check often. Try to not do this this today. Instead spend time with each Athletes, you have the time. Que each Athlete on the C&J and one other movement. Remember ques do not have to be negative, you can encourage by telling an Athlete something they are doing well.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

In 3min accumulate as many midline movements as possible
Anything…. sit ups, back etc. slam balls. Think back to all the $outs programmed in the last several months. What was your favorite. We want the Athletes working for 3min non-stop.