Monday 3.28.16 WOD NOTES

Dynamic Effort Lower

Mobility: 8min

2min each side adductor smash 0:00 – 1:53
min each side 0:00 – 1:40

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Squat Clean (Score 3×6)
1×8 @ 50%
1×6 @ +5#
1×6 @ +5#
3×6 @ +5#
Switching up the programing order for the next 3 weeks.
We will complete DE work on Monday and Tuesday, ME work of Thursday and Friday.
Performing high repetition oly lifts; when performed incorrectly can stress bad mechanics; when performed correctly with appropriate ME programming they can increase strength and conditioning. The clean is a very functional movement that when performed correctly under stress (high repetition) can be safe. As usual back and lockout position should be stressed.
The sets are to be completed TNG.
Allow 3min to warm up. Then complete one set every 2min.

WOD: 15min

“Smooth Operator”
41 MB Cleans (20,14,14,12)
21 Back Squats (135,95,115,75)
30 MB Cleans
15 Back Squats
18 MB Cleans
9 Back Squats
**BS from ground
Back Squats from ground and should be completed unbroken, max 2 sets. Looking for times to be sub 15min.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

3×12 MB Slams