Thursday 3.17.16 WOD NOTES

Dynamic Effort Lower

Strength: 15min

Hang Squat Snatch (12×2 @ 70%)


Week 2, new DE lower. Allow Athletes to warm up for 3min then compete 12×2 every 1min as a group.
The abbreviated positioning of the hang snatch allows for use to focus on technique, especially the second and third pull. The distance to accelerate the bar is shortened requiring the Athlete to become more aggressive in the hip extension. Additional the hang snatch is used during DE days as a way to work under load while allowing the legs to recover quickly.
With a snatch grip deadlift the bar to full extension, hips open. Then load the barbell into the hang position, utilizing the stretch reflex to load the hamstring. Initiate the snatch by first driving the feet into the floor and violently bringing the hips to extension. Once the hips reach extension you should make contact with the bar to the the hips before pulling. At this point the feet shift to the squat stance in preparation of receiving the bar. Elbows travel high and punch through the bar as you receive it overhead.


Happy St. Patricks Day!
“Lucky Charms”
200m Run
17 Deadlifts (225,135)
17 Burpees Bar Hops
200m Run
17 Front Squats (135,95)
17 Burpess Bar Hops
200m Run
17 OHS (95,65)
17 Burpees Bar Hops
200m Run
**15min time cap
Athletes should more fast today, reps should be completed in max 2 sets. Burpee Bar Hops, 2 feet leave and land.

Cool Down Stretch: None

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3×20 Barbell Side bends, anchor feet under dolly, barbell on back/shoulders. Hold static at 45 degrees, bend side to side
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