Friday 2.19.16 WOD NOTES

Max Effort Upper

Mobility: 5min

Coaches Choice

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Close Grip Bench (1RM  )
Why? Tricep dominate. Just like all conjugate variations if we can increaser variation 1RM we will increase our conventional 1RM.
How? Hands shoulder width apart, Look for elbows out to far, dropping bar to quickly. Coach proper set up.

WOD: 20min

“Snatch Speed Ladder”
Snatch (135,95,95,65)
Snatch (155,105,105,75)
Snatch (185,125,125,95)

–At 8min mark start WOD #2
WOD #2
100 Sit Ups
100 Dubs (x3)
If not Rx+ or Rx weights Athletes should increase weight each round. Full squat not required but suggested to move weight efficiently. At 8min mark all Athletes start WOD #2. Continue clock running up.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out: 4min

4x30sec Superman holds
Coach group through