Week of 2.1.16 Barbell Club

Conjugate Strength


1.  Overhead Squat (@ 70% 10×2)
2.  Hang Snatch (Build to Heavy Triple)
3.  Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
10 Min EMOM
2 Hang Snatches @ 60%
4.  Snatch Grip Dimel Deadlifts (@ 35% 3×20)
5.  Inverted Ring Rows (3 x Max or 3 x 10)


1.  Back Squat (@65% 5×5)
2.  Clean High Pull (3×8)
3.  Squat Clean + Thruster (1RM)
4.  Barbell Hip Bridges (3×15)
5.  Push Jerk Against Single Orange (3×5)


1.  Push Press (1RM)
2.  Earthquake Bar Bench (3×20)
3.  Squat Clean + Hang Clean (1RM (No Dropping))
4.  Power Jerk + Split Jerk (Build to Heavy Single)
5.  Reverse Hypers (3×20)