Monday 2.1.16 WOD NOTES

Max Effort Lower

Mobility: 6min

3min each side 0:00-1:42 

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Front Squat (5RM)
From the rack, after 50% Athletes need to take no more than 3 attempts to reach 5RM. Athletes do not need to complete all 5 reps if they think they can make a weight jump.
Why 5RM?
A great benefit of the repetition method is an increase not only in all strength but also in endurance. This method is also commonly known as lactic acid tolerance training. It promotes a high degree of growth hormone production, which can aid in size and strength.

WOD: 18min

“Family Ties”
18min AMRAP
20 Cal Row
10 Burpee Bar Hops
5 Thrusters (135,95,115,75)
**Score Rounds + Reps
Burpee bar hops: 2 foot hops, bar facing or parallel to bar. Thrusters should be manageable for 5 unbroken reps.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

Sprint 800 Meters
Rest 1:1
Sprint 400 Meters
Rest 1:1
Sprint 200 Meters