Saturday 1.16.16 WOD


Happy 41st Birthday Jonah! Join Jonah at the 8:30am WOD in Ardmore. Beat him at the 8:30am WOD and get a special treat from Viking Bakery!
“Chase the Jonah!”
Hedge your bets against your Partner or complete solo and chase Jonah!
200 Run
41 KB Swings (55,35,45,25)
41 Jumping Pull Upsa
200m Run
41 Strict Press (45,35,35,25)
41 Bounds over bumper plates (20,16,16,12))
200m Run
41 Strict Press
41  Bounds over bumper plates
200m Run
41 KB Swings
41 Jumping Pull Ups
200m Run
**Lottery style!, Pick a number out of the bucket. This is the amount of seconds you will start behind your partner or Jonah. The goal is to pass your partner!
**Score your individual time

$ Out

Have a great weekend!