Sunday 12.27.15 WOD

The Main Line CrossFit Boxes will be hosting the 2015 Garage Games Masters WODs today. All Athletes are welcome to attend. During the 8:30 and 9:30am WODs we will complete 3 different WODs. Feel free to stick around and complete all 3. Click here to sign up. **Registration is not required to attend.
8:30-9:30am: WODs 1 & 2
9:30-10:30am: WODs 2 & 3


“2015 Garage Games Masters WOD 1”
Power Cleans
Burpees to a 45# plate
RX Age Divisions:
35-39 155/105
40-54 135/95
55-59 115/75
60+ 95/65
Scaled Divisions:
35-54  95/65
55+  75/45

WOD #2

“2015 Garage Games Masters WOD 2”
8min AMRAP
50 Wall Balls
30 Snatches
Max Pull-upsRX
(Target = 10’/9’ – touch the target)
35-39  20/95  14/65 C2B
40-49  20/95  14/65 Pull-ups
50-59  20/75  14/45 Pull-ups
60+  14/65  10/45 Pull-ups

Scaled  (Target = 10’/9’ – touch the target)
35-44  20/75   14/45 Squats Holding Wall Ball For Reps instead of pull-ups or see below
45-54  20/65   10/45 Squats Holding Wall Ball For Reps instead of pull-ups or see below
55+  14/45   10/45  Squats Holding Wall Ball For Reps instead of pull-ups or see below

***Scaled – Pull-ups can be done instead of squats for 2 reps per pull-up bonus.  No switching between them, one or the other.

WOD #3

“2015 Garage Games Masters WOD 3”
12min Time Cap:
50 Thrusters
40 T2B
30 OH Lunge
35-39  135/20   95/14  T2B
40-49  115/20   75/14  T2B
50-54  95/20   65/14  T2B
55+   75/20   55/14  K2E

35-39 95/20 65/14 Sit-ups
40-49 75/20 55/14 Sit-ups
50+ 65/20 45/14 Sit-ups

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Mobility with Coach