Saturday 12.19.15 WOD

Holiday Party 12.19.15
Kelly’s Tap Room Bryn Mawr 6-9pm


Partner up or complete solo
“12 Days of CrossFit”
2 OHS (95,65)
3 Snatch (95,65)
4 Snatch Grip Dead Lifts (95,65)
5 Box Jumps (24,20)
6 K2E
7 Burpees
8 Kettlebell Swings (55,35)
9 Ring Dips
10 Walking Lunges (L+R=1)
11 Sit Ups
12 oz Beer or Ball Slams
Complete the workout, like the song. Round one is one HSPU. Round 2 is 2 OHS then 1 HSPU. Round 3 is 3 Snatches, 2 OHS, 1 HSPU. Etc……
**bring a beer to share at the box!

$ Out

See you the Holiday Party!
6-9 Kellys Tap Room – Bryn Mawr