Sunday 11.1.15 WOD NOTES

 Explosive Strength

Mobility :5min

2min each side. 0:00 – 2:50

Explosive Strength: 10min

In 10min Complete
2 x 500m Row
Score Fastest time, rest as needed
Encourage Athletes to add the meters to the RowVember Board. This is an all out sprint for 500m.

WOD: 20min

“Truly Madly Deeply”
Hang Cleans (95,65)
Dubs (x3)
Sit Ups
**Each round begins with a 50m bear crawl
Hang Cleans, if not Rx Athletes should be able to complete most sets unbroken or in 2 sets. Bear Crawl, Set x2 25m cones out down the middle of the box. Athletes can crawl tot he middle and back, that way they are not at the opposite side of the box when the bear crawl is complete.

$ Out

5min Recovery Row
**conversational pace
Count these meters towards RowVember