Thursday 10.22.15 WOD NOTES

Barbell Club @ ML Cancelled Sunday 10.25.15

Dynamic Effort Upper

Mobility: 5min

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Hang Clean (5×3 High Hang Clean)
**Every 2min. This is not meant to be a TNG off the quad. Stop and reset each high hang clean
Complete this as an EMOM, Every 2min. Athletes should not bounce off quads and quickly cycle. Barbell should be caught in the hang and the Athlete should re-set.
The high hang clean will be used over the next 3 weeks to insure proper balance and positioning at the start of the second pull. By abbreviating the movement we will also have a chance to work with the Athletes that are newer and correct chronic faults in those that been with use for some time. From a training perspective the Athlete will have to generate greater force to execrate the bar quicker due to the shortening of the movement.
Have the Athletes deadlift the bar to the power position and perform a hang power clean. 5 sets of 3 reps without dropping the bar. The goal is not speed, its accuracy.

WOD: 20min

“The Decent”
4 Rounds
21 Bounds (24,20)
15 Hang Power Snatch (115,75)
9 Double Touches
**T2B + C2B = 1 Double Touch
Bounds, over PVC set at 24,20. If busy Athletes can share boxes and mount PVC off each side. Hang Power Snatch, If not Rx, Athletes need to pick a weight they can complete 5-7 reps unbroken. Spend time coaching Athletes on proper torso positioning. Preventing the hips from swinging will allow the athlete to stay in a higher hang, saving the lower back by decreasing the angle of the torso. Double Touches, new movement for the Boxes. T2B + C2B = 1 Double Touch. If not Rx, Athlete can perform 9 T2B  and then 9 C2B each round (modifying the movements as needed).

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

8min AMRAP
10 Cal Assault Bike
15 GHD Sit Ups


Lifestyle Challenge 10.1.15 – 10.30.15
Click Here for more details