Saturday 9.12.15 WOD

“The CrossFit Total” Sunday 9.12.15

WOD #1

Teams of 2
Power Cleans
Burpees to a 45# plate
**Score time
** At 8min begin workout #2
Age Load:
>40 155,105
40-54 135,95
55-59 115,75

WOD #2

Teams of 2
8min AMRAP
50 Wall Balls
30 Snatches
Max Pull-ups
**Score total reps
**At 20min begin workout #3
Age Load:
> 40    20,95  14,65 C2B Pull-ups
40-49  20,95  14,65 Pull-ups
50-59  20,75  14,45 Pull-ups

WOD #3

Teams of 2
12min AMRAP
50 Thrusters
40 T2B
30 OH Lunge w/ MB
20 Burpee Bar Hops
**Score total reps
Age & Load:
>40    135,20   95,14  T2B
40-49  115,20   75,14  T2B
50-54  95,20   65,14  T2B
55+     75,20    55,14  K2E

$ Out

Have a great weekend!