9.1.15 WOD NOTES

Dynamic Effort Lower

New DE lower cycle starts this week

Mobility: 5min

We will repeat this mobility for the next 3 weeks on DE Lower and ME Lower Days
1:15 – 2:37 http://www.mobilitywod.com/daily/monday-august-3rd-2015/

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Box Squats (6×3 @ 70% , narrow stance)
**narrow stance = oly receiving stance
The Box squat is used to strength the hamstrings, quads and glutes as well as starting strength in the squat with some transfer to the first pull of the deadlift. Unlike the squat (without a box) that is used to help strengthen recover in the clean and snatch. For our purposes the narrow stance box squat is used to develop strength “coming out of the hole”, especially when an Athlete looses momentum at the bottom of the clean and snatch. The narrow stance will emphasis the quad and hamstring.
Box height: below parallel
Stance: equal to your clean and snatch receiving stance
Bar: high bar squat, drive traps into bar
Core: Expand your abdomen, not your chest. This will help keep your midline/spine tight when stopping gone the box
Eccentric Phase: With heels touching the box tilt hips and sit directly on your heels. Keep head and chest high, midline tight
Static/Relaxed Phase: Starts when your glutes hit the box. You should sit down completely on the box and roll back. This does not mean rocking, bouncing or touch and go.
Concentric Phase: Ascend from the box in an explosive manner. Yea moves first followed by glutes and hips. Forcefully flex the hips, glutes, hamstrings, abs and midline.

WOD: 25min

“The Flying Dutchman”
Burpee + Back Squat Ladder (135,95)
Rest 3 minutes
Burpee + Deadlift Ladder (225,135)
**For the ladder pattern, perform 1 rep of each exercise the first minute, 2 reps of each the second minute, 3 reps of each the third minute, continuing as long as you are able.
**Back Squats taken from rack
**Score reps of each round (2 scores)
No time cap, budget 25min. Count clock up, not every minute. If you count clock up every minute with no rest interval it give the Athlete 2-3 extra seconds each round as the clock works through the zero second rest interval. Athletes will score the total reps of each ladder, 2 scores. Have cheat sheet ready for the Athletes to calculate their total score of each round. If busy stagger Athletes starts and have them share gear. Back Squat, take from rack, if not Rx Athlete ~50%1RM. Deadlift, if not Rx, Athlete should choose a weight that they can complete 10-12 reps unbroken when rested, ~50%1RM.

$ Out

3×12 AB Fall Outs
**Use rings