Sunday 8.30.15 WOD

Explosive Strength


EMOM 10 min
3 Seated Box Jumps
6 Jumping Lunges


Happy Birthday Scott Richards
Scotts Birthday is on the 232nd Day of the Year.
1min Max Cals on Assault Bike
1min Max Box Jumps (24,20)
1min Max KB Swings (55,35)
1min Max Power Snatches (75,55)
1min Max Bar Muscle Ups
1min Rest
**Continue through the AMRAP until 232 reps+cals are achieved, you must attempt each movement, no strategic rest periods
**1 Bar MU = 1 Jumping Bar MU or 1 Pull Up + 1 Push Up
**Score time of completion

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4min Tabata  Hollow Body Hold