8.20.15 WOD NOTES

Dynamic Effort Upper

Mobility: 8min

We will repeat this mobility for the next 3 week. The focus is on shoulder mobility from poor posture while sitting, standing, etc.
If large class split into two groups. Group 1: “The Hook”, 2min each side. Group 2: Foam Roll Lat, 2min each side.
0:00 – 1:50 http://www.mobilitywod.com/daily/wednesday-july-22nd-2015/

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Floor Press (9×3@ 75% 1RM)
**3×3 Wide,  3×3 Normal, 3×3 Narrow
**Perform all wide, then all normal then all narrow
Week 2 of 3. Over the next 3 weeks we will increase by 5% each week. Athletes will perform 3×3 wide grip, then perform 3×3 normal, then finish with 3×3 narrow. As Athletes move their grip in they will recruit additional triceps and back, making the movement possible at the prescribed reps. Coach proper set up on the bench (floor) press.
Similar to the box squat the floor press is programmed to decrease the range of motion for quicker recover, and increase strength from the starting position by removing leg drive. The Athletes legs are to be bent, insuring proper midline set up. Decreasing lower back and shoulder tension.
Athletes should be able to floor press 100%+ of their conventional bench press, increasing conventional bench press lock out.
Set up is similar to the bench press.
Pro Episode #11 – Bench Set Up Q&A w/ Laura Phelps-Sweatt- Pro-User Request – http://www.mobilitywod.com/2013/05/pro-episode-11-bench-set-up-qa-w-laura-phelps-sweatt-pro-user-request/

WOD: 12min

“Main Line”
CFML opened 8.18.12
12min AMRAP
8 Power Cleans (135,95)
18 Box Jumps (24,20)
NOTES: This is a heavy, long couplet. If not Rx, Athletes should be able to complete 3-4 Power cleans TNG. Coach Athletes to pay attention on Box Jumps. During the latter part of this WOD athletes will become fatigued enough o mis box jumps.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

3×40 DB Side Bends