Monday 5.4.15 WOD

Run Broadstreet and super sore???
Make sure to attend tomorrows WOD for some great mobility and a WOD to help relieve that leg soreness.

Dynamic Effort Lower (speed day)


Front Squat (1×8 @ 50% + 20#)


“Hair of the Dog”
12min AMRAP
5-10-15-20-25….. Wall Balls
**Between each round complete
1 rd.
6 Deadlift (135,95)
3 Hang Power Cleans
**Score total wall balls

$ Out

4x max time Static Hold Sit Ups
**back at 45 degree angle, barbell on back, feet anchored
**Choose a weight that is manageable

Muscle Up May Practice:

5×6 Ring Dips
**remember, the focus is skill and practice. Get comfortable with the movement and correct body positioning