Tuesday 3.31.15 Competitor WOD

Dynamic Effort Lower


Back Squat (1×8 @ 50% 1RM + 10#)
Warm Up:
x8 w/ empty bar
x6 @ 25%
x4 @ 35%
x8 @ 50% + 10# (working set)


“Beast of Burden”
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts (225,185)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Ring Dips

Special Strength

5×5 Anderson Front Squat
**Work at 70% 1RM front squat
**Use boxes and pads instead of rig

Special Strength

3×10 Bulgarian Split Squat
**with barbell, back loads
**Build to a heavy 10

Special Strength

3×6 Band Assisted Inverse Curls


100 Banded Crunches


100 Russian KB Swings (55,35)
**For time