Thursday 2.19.15 Competitor WOD

Max Effort Upper


Bench Press (1RM against micro bands)


30 Strict Pull Ups (Time)
**Last completed on 10.14.14

WOD #1

10min AMRAP
100m Farmers Carry (70/70,55/55)
10 Sit Ups
**Score total rounds + Reps, 100m = 1rep

3min Rest to WOD #2

WOD #2

Zuul (AMRAP – Reps)
7min AMRAP
20 KB Swings (70,55)
20 Dubs (x3)
30 KB Swings (55,45)
30 Dubs (x3)
40 KB Swings (45,35)
40 Dubs (x3)
50 KB Swings (35,25)
50 Dubs (x3)
**Score total reps

Special Strength

4×8 behind the neck press, wide grip
**moderate weight

Special Strength

4×12 Banded seated tricep extension


10RM Overhead Barbell Sit Up with feet anchored


100 banded high pulls