Tuesday 2.3.15 Competitor WOD

Dynamic Effort Upper


4 Rounds
Max C2B
Max Kipping Pull Ups
Max Strict Pull Ups
**Perform unbroken, score lowest reps


“2min Drill”
2min at each movement, with 2min rest after each AMRAP
10 Power Snatches, max Burpees
15 Push Jerks max HSPU
20 HR Push Ups, max Air Squats
20 HR Push Ups, max Air Squats
15 Push Jerks, max  HSPU
10 Power Snatches, max Burpees
**Score total Burpees + HSPU + Squats

Special Strength

4×12 Barbell Bent Over Row
**Build to a heavy 12

Special Strength

3×20 DB Rear Delt Raise

Special Strength

4 x 30sec Earthquake bar bench press lock out @ 50% 1RM bench press + micro band + 30% attached to bands


3 x 20 Banded Sit Ups


100 Banded High Pulls