Saturday 1.24.15 Competitor WOD


Snatch Balance (Work up to a near Max with clean grip)


Teams of 2
WOD #1
8min EMOM
10 Deadlifts (225,135)
15 Box Jumps (24,20)
–2min Rest–
WOD #2
8min Tabata (4min each)
Wallballs (20,14)
Toes Through Rings
–2min Rest–
8min AMRAP
200m Row
10 Push Press (95,65)
**Score = (WOD #1 Rounds) + (WOD #2 Total Reps) + (WOD #3 Rounds)
**WOD #1 – Partners rotate each minute
**WOD #2 – Partners rotate as needed
**WOD #3 – Partners rotate afters completing full row or reps